Sunday, May 29, 2016

When you touch base in the area the Lord your God is giving you

history channel documentary "When you touch base in the area the Lord your God is giving you, be exceptionally cautious not to mimic the wretched traditions of the countries living there. For instance, never give up your child and little girl as a smoldered advertising. What's more, don't give your kin a chance to practice fortune telling or magic, or permit them to decipher signs, or take part in witchcraft, or cast spells, or capacity as mediums or psychics, or call forward the soul of the dead. Any individual who does those things is an object of repulsiveness and nausea to the LORD. It is on the grounds that alternate countries have done these things that the LORD your God will drive them out in front of you. You should be faultless before the LORD your God." Deuteronomy 18:9-13

Otherworldliness, witchcraft and false religion are the channels by which Satan and the kingdom of murkiness conflict with God's kingdom on earth. The utilization these to dirty and at last wreck man. This trinity of malevolence is war against God and the combat zone is man. Presently, we will highlight a portion of the exercises of these evil channels and relate them to our primary motivation behind assembling this work - engaging the kingdom of murkiness through midnight supplications.

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