Sunday, May 29, 2016

I Peter 2:9 says that we have been 'got out of dimness into His sublime light

history channel documentary 2015 I Peter 2:9 says that we have been 'got out of dimness into His sublime light'. Furthermore, I Thessalonians affirms that we are 'offspring of light' not of obscurity (v. 5:5). I like the "kids" reference since it connections to Romans 8:17 that states we are kids and beneficiaries of Almighty God. We should experience our lives in His light as His adored family!

The principal thing God made in Genesis was light. Where did the light originate from? It originated from His Glory, His nearness. Also, Satan (who had been administering the dead emptiness we now call earth) went running without end. He couldn't stay in God's nearness. Obscurity is constantly vanquished by Light. A solitary light in a dark room is sufficient to disperse the obscurity.

Have you ever lived in a spot that had cockroaches? I did - years prior. It was shocking. In any case, I knew one approach to keep those critters far from me. I turned on a light and they'd go dashing, attempting to locate a dim spot to cover up. I even laid down with a light on to keep them out of my room! I'm letting you know, I didn't stay in that place long, either. I moved out - and ensured I didn't bring any critters with me.

The fallen angel is the same way. He can't remain to be within the sight of God's light. He needed to sneak into the greenhouse to converse with Eve. What's more, he's been sneaking from that point forward. His weapons are dimness and misdirection, dread and torment. It's anything but difficult to tell when he's around on the grounds that peace is truant. On the off chance that it's not tranquil, it's not from God.

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