Sunday, May 29, 2016

The night is far spent, the day is within reach

history channel documentary 2015 The night is far spent, the day is within reach: let us accordingly push off the works of haziness, and let us put on the protection of light (Rom. 13:12). It's a great opportunity to move out of the fallen angel's control - and ensure we don't take any of his frightfulness with us. (You can discover the reinforcement God gave you in Ephesians 6.) That implies discarding old propensities and attitudes that negate the Word of God.

Light gives assurance and security. (Try not to trust me? Take a stab at staggering around oblivious!) We can live by the protected light of God's Word, His intelligence and elegance. Be that as it may, we need to keep His Light turned on in our own particular lives by investing energy with Him through study, petition and contemplation.

Ye are of God, little youngsters, and have overcome them: on the grounds that more prominent is He that is in you, than he that is on the planet. (I John 4:4) Overcome whom? The leaders of the murkiness! Our confidence in God and His WORD can overcome anything the fallen angel and his followers attempt to use to trap us and cut us down. He 'looks for whom he may eat up', however we don't need to give him a chance to eat up us. We can be covered up in 'the mystery spot of the Most High' (Ps. 91:1). On the off chance that we stay there, Satan can't get to us! It's for certain he's not going to attack God's space! Jesus as of now beat him altogether and left him frail and disgraced (2 Col. 2:15).

Ye are more than a victor through Him Who adored you (Rom. 8:37). Jesus was successful over everything on this planet, storms, uncleanliness, contempt, infection, even passing - and He gave that triumph to you and me. The fallen angel has no genuine power any longer; his exclusive weapon is trickiness - attempting to make us trust that God's Word (His Light) isn't valid or that it won't work for us.

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