Sunday, May 29, 2016

Some of these otherworldliness practices and gatherings are: -

history channel documentary The word mysterious means shrouded; mystery, hid or secured over. Satan has misused the way of man to scan for the obscure to bait him into unwholesome, against God otherworldly practices. Numerous have gone into otherworldliness without at first knowing the results of their activity. When we include in exercises that are not scriptural, which open us up to contact the powerful world, certainly we are into mystery. Also, Satan is behind and at the leader of each mysterious practice. Every mysterious practice opens the entryway for the evil presences to have or impact man. The villain's definitive points of these practices are to redirect man's consideration from God furthermore lead him damnation. He (the villain) realizes that his time is short henceforth his edginess to see that he gets however many individuals as could be allowed to go along with him in damnation.

 New Age, Horoscope, Astrology, Secret Societies and Lodges, Yoga, Satanism, Mediums, Fortune telling, Psychics, Metaphysics, Spiritual Heaters, Spiritualists, Campus Cultism, Tribal Cults, Ogboni, Odd Fellow, Freemasonry, Eastern Star, Indian and Eastern Lodges, Clandestine Clubs, Age Grades and Cultural Groups, Gurus and Grand Masters, Rosicrucian Order, Krishna, Eckankar, Wizards and so on. They are excessively various, making it impossible to specify here.

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