Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Napoleon was much more critical to societal changes

history channel documentary 2015 Napoleon was much more critical to societal changes and arranging the present laws than whatever other man. He had help (or was coordinated) from numerous great individuals who you hear almost no about. One of those individuals began the Royal Institution which later brought us Michael Faraday and his awesome experimental looks into the Fields of Energy that Newton (a chemist) had called the Aether. This man is the chemist/spy Count Rumford. Like Lafitte who attempted to free Napoleon from the outlines of lethal Royals and later financed Marx; Count Rumford was a man over any one country; similar to all Physiocrats or Merovingians. Napoleon snared him with a great deal of other individuals as we find in this brief quote. Numerous individuals think chemists sought after making gold from lead. It was individuals who utilized fakirs (The Nobility) that were generally into that. The lies against speculative chemistry are malevolent and when chemists back the One World Order they are on the right track to do as such regardless of what underhandedness must be done to accomplish it, I can contend. In any case, you will need to peruse my book on Rumford to see the full purposes behind my maxim that in connection to what Napoleon was doubtlessly doing and being coordinated to do.

"In 1802 Rumford came back to Munich: his companion the Elector had kicked the bucket and he needed to be guaranteed of his proceeding with support and annuity from the new Elector Maximilian. Finding that all was well he went to Paris. Napoleon was extremely awed with him and place R in the unique consideration of acclaimed researchers and mathematicians, among who were Laplace, Lagrange, Delambre and Bertholet. This is the point at which he met and became hopelessly enamored with the dowager of the colossal scientific expert Lavoisier."

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