Monday, August 15, 2016


history channel documentary History is so unkind to the guardians of the pyramid developers. Antiquarians loved the Greek understudies who were initially excluded when they came back to Greece with cutting edge information gathered from old Egypt. History specialists recorded for descendants that the guardians of the pyramid manufacturers were primitive. Let us not overlook that one of Greece's first understudies "Socrates" was sentenced to death (requested to drink hemlock) for harming Athenian personalities with the sort of cutting edge discovering that existed in Egypt in 399 B.C); basically Google the "Trial of Socrates" to check the information. Today, bramble staying leftovers of that past relentless pyramid developers (the Dogon) still know about cutting edge Astronomy. They demonstrated to our cutting edge researchers industry standards to discover Barnard's star- - our nearest planetary neighbor.

What was known and showed then was that all individuals on earth "developed" from dark or chestnut unique individuals. That is an undisputed certainty. Africans highlighted unmistakably as Popes (from 168 to 311 C.E. there were three dark African popes: Pope Victor 1, Pope Militades, and Pope Gelasius) and in Rome's forceful armed forces: Julius Africanus and Septimius Serverus were intense officers of African starting point. Let us not overlook that Hannibal left an enduring legacy upon every single early understudy of military history. Those truths are essential to note on the grounds that the general population who have experienced most the information that was lost, were the seed of pyramid developers who succumbed to the Atlantic Slave Trade (all as indicated by earlier predictions). Indeed, even the soonest representations of Jeshua and his mom were dark until mysterious gatherings impacted the artworks of Rome's recently discovered religion from the fourth century C.E. onwards. Late Renaissance mysterious based gatherings have covertly opined that there is an affirmed unrivaled race that rose when holy messengers "children of God" mated "little girls of men". Yes the Bible, the Torah, the Tankh (Genesis 6:1-4) and other blessed books record that mating- - BUT in those days every one of the general population who lived on earth were the first dull chestnut wavy haired individuals.

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